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Rasulan, A Typical Annual Event From Gunungkidul

Rasulan is a regional tradition which is especially held in Gunungkidul. This tradition has been held for a long time by Gunungkidul people, especially by the farmers after the harvest season. Rasulan or Bersih Dusun (Generally terms) are almost held in every villages in Gunungkidul. This tradition is often held every year until now. The implementation time is also different, depending on the agreement of the villagers in every villages. But, usually this tradition is held on june and july. Usually, rasulan held for several days and begins with activities to clean the environment. Usually, at the end of this event there will be an traditional dance performance. 

However, at this time a lot of variations have been applied to this event such as competitions and mini carnival surrounding the village. Many competitions are applied since the millenial century. Some competitions only aim to add an interesting impression to the annual event and make the participants more interested in joining the event to make the event more lively. Also, to attract people to come and watch the performances that held in the village. If more people come, the merchants who bargain around the performance venue will also receive more customers.

Usually, there are many people who dancing an traditional dance and some of that just walking normally with traditional clothes together with annual yields that some of that loaded by car or carried by some people. Some people also take part in promoting their non-agricultural products which are loaded by car together with the carnival line ups.
Generally, the carnival are ends at the village hall and followed by some dance from the carnival participants.

At the night, the event are closed by Wayang (Javanese Traditional Puppet Performance) that usually tell about the importance of thanking God for the gift that has been given to us at all times until now.

This article is quoted from : and self experience.


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